速報APP / 個人化 / Christmas Animated Keyboard

Christmas Animated Keyboard





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Christmas Animated Keyboard(圖1)-速報App

If you're one of those people who just can't wait for Christmas even if it's July then the Christmas Animated Keyboard theme is just what you need. Feel the cold and calmness of the winter with this new keyboard theme. Let the love you have for snow and winter envelop you every time you type something. Who doesn't love the feeling of anticipation before that special holiday that's loved by everyone? If you're that person who starts thinking that Christmas is coming as soon as September ends then this keyboard theme will keep that feeling with you the whole period until then. Christmas Animated Keyboard theme was developed to make you feel that winter warmth every time you time you type something. With this new keyboard theme along with the feeling of serenity it will bring you, you'll also receive that nostalgic feeling you had every Christmas night when the temperature dropped and everything seemed stopped in time for a while, the moon would be there on the sky to guide your vision and you would be waiting to get only a glimpse of Santa with his reindeers and make the magic real. With every tap of your keyboard you'll be transported in that eerie cold midnight scenery. So download the Christmas Animated Keyboard theme and share it with your friends to feel that winter vibe together.

How to install our themes?

Christmas Animated Keyboard(圖2)-速報App

Just follow these easy steps:

1. Download Christmas Animated Keyboard

Christmas Animated Keyboard(圖3)-速報App

2. Open Christmas Animated Keyboard

3. Apply the theme by pressing the - Activate - button from Theme Manager

Christmas Animated Keyboard(圖4)-速報App

If you want to change your font size just go to the Quick Settings Tab and choose from one of the 3 available sizes: small, medium or large.

Christmas Animated Keyboard(圖5)-速報App